Monday, June 9, 2014

Literary Essay

Have you ever acuratly predicted someones date of death? In the story Numbers. Jem has a clairvoyance ability that enables her to read the dates of death of people in which she looks into the eyes of. Although this ability may be useful on some ocasions, it is mostly useless and scary.

Jem first relized she could do this when her mother died on the same date as the numbers that showed every time she looked into her mothers eyes.

Since then, she is tries to avoid looking in peoples eyes. She feels that it is scary to know when a Human is going to die.

Even though she gives a lot of effort into not looking into peoples eyes, it still happens on a daily basis.

One time, when she was talking with someone on the sidewalk. She saw an old man consuming some kind of food object that he pulled from a trash can. The old man noticed them and looked rright into Jem's eyes. As Jem saw that he was going to die really soon. So she went with the person she was walking with to see him die. I guess she was curious because they chased him do66wn all the way to the road will a car crashed into him. He was sprung up 50 feet in the air and fell to his death. It was the first time Jem witnessed a Human die and it only happened because of Jem's clairvoyance ablilty.

Test Driving iOS 8

First off, I'm sorry that I never got around to that PC build, but you guys can live without it.

If you are suscribed to my youtube channel, you may have noticed a recent video demonstaring iOS 8 beta 1 on an iPhone 5c model a1532. This video was made with my sister's iPhone running iOS 8 beta 1. It was not at all fake.

So, what were my impressions?

iOS 8 beta 1 is incredibly unstable and should not be used on your main device. It is similar to iOS 7.1.1 in terms of aesthetics. Although it does bare a few features of it's own. Overall it is not a big change over iOS 7.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Whats On My Launcher?

So, Ubuntu. It's default desktop is Unity and you Unity has a launcher. It's kind of like Ubuntu's version of the Os x dock. What you lock to your launcher is usually of intensive use to you. Whats on my launcher? You're about to find out.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Os X Yosemite and iOS 8

Apple's WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference) 2014 took place today. They unveiled Os x Yosemite and iOs 8.
Now first off, if you like Os x you might as well get an iPhone or something because Os x Yosemite is, at this point, looks like iOs 8. Like seriously Apple, you combined them to much.
If you are wondering about iOs 8 it looks like iOS 7, it hasn't changed that much. Overall, it was a big upset for me. I was expecting an iWatch or something like that. Maybe next year.

Journal Entry

Hunter Vainik


Rick Joseph

Social Studies

Describe the problems that the characters are facing. Do you see similar problems occuring in today's world?
Desibe the similarities and differences.

In the book My Brother Sam Is Dead. Tim is worried about his brother Sam who has left to fight for the Rebels. He is worried that Sam might become injured because many other Patroit soldiers have.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

PC Build (Intense)

So, most of you who are reading this are probably reading this from a computer. Virtually all of the people who read this are reading it from a computer that was built for the average consumer. Once in a while, I wonder what the most powerful PC I could build if I had access to the parts. Now, the parts can't be custom made or anything like that. You have to be able to buy them online. I recently came up with one I will reveal in a later blog post.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Five Favorite Post Of The 2013-2014 School Year.

5. Racing On The Beach.

    One of my first blog post, I worked really hard on this one.

4. Letter Of Complaint.

   One of my most professional blog post.

3. Os x On Non-Apple Harware And Android On A Netbook.

   This was an incredible acompolishment that I had been working on for a while. Also, I did get wifi                working.

  2. A Look Back At Snow Leopard.

     One of my first hackintosh video.

 1. Should Apple Sell A Hackers Lisence?

    I wrote this on a 13.3 inch MacBook Pro with Retina display Haswell base model at a Best Buy.